Indla's Beautiful Minds
Get solutions to all your emotional health issues
hello there folks!
Mental health issues are never spoken about or addressed properly like other physical health issues. In this day of high health consciousness the awareness stops at physical part of health. General population in recent times has accepted the fact that stress can impact physical health and can lead to issues like high blood pressure, diabetes, thyroid, etc. but i ask where does stress happen initially? It starts in brain and just like stress can impact thyroid hormone it can impact brain's hormones and chemicals which leads to psychological symptoms.
WHO itself has defined HEALTH as 3 components entity : physical, mental/emotional, social health. The first step to find a solution to a problem is being aware of and acknowledging that you have a problem and then seeking help. I am just a call away to help out with your psychological problems. Let's come together to collaborate and come up with a customized treatment plans to suit your needs and choices.